Trip to Freo
Well as you know we like to catch trains and this time we were going to that ripper seaside village of Freo, and we left Jacko at home...

Oscars Graduation
Today was Oscar's Graduation from primary school to big boy school, and doesn't he look excited about it! And hasn't times changed I...

Drive to Moora
Well I wanted to give our new car a good spin, so I thought why not go up and see where me old mate Jacky Rissole use to live. And this...

A day at the beaches.
Well with some of the kiddies away with other things to do, I was left home with the middle kids Harrison and Oscar so why don't we do...

A death in the family as we lost the VAN!
Well after seven years in the family we have finally said goodbye to the old van, affectionately known as the 'Millennium Falcon'. She...

Back to the farm.
Back to York for another one of those campfires which we all love, and this time we got the misses to pop up with us. Here's Chase...

An arvo at Whitemans Park.
We spend a lot of time at Whitemans Park over the years, but I just noticed we haven't put to many posts about our time their. So here is...

Grand Final Day '17
Well today is Grand Final day and after years of waiting my beloved Richmond has finally made it into the Grand Final, but before we get...

Sandgropers Trophy 2017
Well another years footy tipping is over and we have a new winner in our mist, for the very first time Oscar took out our trophy. And as...

Train into Perth town.
Well another train trip into Perth with all the kiddies this time, and a chance for a good walkabout. Chase showing us his pick of the...

Having a gander at the Duyfken
While Jacko was hanging out with his mates me and the other kiddies jumped into the millennium falcon (cool name the kiddies call the...

Day out at Whitemans Park.
We go to Whitemans Park quite often but just never take the camera, but now I have a mobile phone with a inbuilt camera (what will they...

Trip up to York
Another trip up to Nana and Pop's Farm and this time it's just me and the boys, as sarah is away with her friends for the night. On the...

2017 Anzac Day
Well it was another early start for this years Anzac Day Dawn service, up at 3 o'clock so we could get a good spot near the cenotaph, as...

Ellenbrook Police station open day.
ELLENBROOK Police Station opened it's doors to the public this weekend to engage with the local community, here's Harry, Oscar and Chase...

Sculptures by the sea 2017
Well it was that time of year again when I get the kiddies in the Tarrago , and head to the sea at Cottesloe for the sculptures by the...

Fremantle Sculpture at Bathers 2017
Well after having a gander at Sculptures by the sea, we boarded the train for a quick trip to Fremantle. Where we were going to have a...

Fremantle Shipwrecks museum
After our sculpture stroll along Bathers beach we walked into one of Australia's ripper Museum, the WA Shipwrecks museum which is located...

Midland brick Christmas Party '16
Well it was our works Christmas Party time and the kiddies were biting at the bit to hit the swings, and as usual there were heaps of...

Cow Parade in Perth.
Perth joined other major cities such as New York, Paris and Tokyo who have previously hosted Cow Parades across the globe. The Parade...

2016 Tipper Champion
The season started with both Oscar and Jacko tipping well and making a break on the other nevilles, but it wasn't long (round 9) before...

Sarah in her first Grand Final
Well it was my little sheilahs first ever Grand Final as her team Governor Sterling High school, was taking on the Darling Range girls...

Fish n' chip fridie arvo.
Well now that we are getting back to a proper spring with the temps getting into a beaut 24, I grabbed the kiddies and had a nice walk...

Eric's big day out.
Well finally the Paul mob let me go out on one of there trips on the weekend and this one was with 'The Boys', for a trip up to Pop n'...