Midland brick Christmas Party '16
Well it was our works Christmas Party time and the kiddies were biting at the bit to hit the swings, and as usual there were heaps of rides and swings for them to have fun.

Mum and Chase on the swings.

Jacko went straight to the dodgem cars which is what he did last year, he loves spinning around in circles.

And Chase jumped in with his older bro Harrison, there keeping an eye on brother Jacko as he will ram you when your not looking.

Chase with his mate santa.

Oscar with his most loved mate Santa

And when Harrison had his turn he asked Santa for a selfie ha,ha, cheeky little bugger.

All the family together

Then me and the little ones went and hit the kiddie swings, while mum and the big kiddies hit the faster stuff.

Some of the rides were just a little small, but with some effort they squeezed into it.

Then they hit the dodgem cars with Harry, as you can see whenever Chase sees a camera out comes the pearly whites! He just loves a camera.

We watched the crazy bikers doing huge jumps, how they do it has got me stuffed.

And the boys survived the haunted house they just don't get scared like we did in the old days, unless you take away there wi-fi! Then there's screams everywhere ha,ha.