Day out at Whitemans Park.

We go to Whitemans Park quite often but just never take the camera, but now I have a mobile phone with a inbuilt camera (what will they think of next) there's no stopping me. Here we are on the way to the Children's Forrest, and as you can see the kiddies were having a bike ride day. Whitemans Park has some of the best bike rides, which we used heaps back when my bike was in one piece. But luckily for yours truly it has died, but like I say there's nothing like a good walk (beats having a sore ass).

And were here!

Chase showing us that whenever you open a gate you close the gate behind you, as an old farmer once told me 'Always leave a gate the way you found it... unless there's a bull in the paddock and he's running at you, then you just jump over the fucking gate!'

Chase again showing us a fury Australian echidna... well a concrete one anyway, and not really life size at that but still an echidna.

Chase and his new mate at the gate to the Children's Forrest, chase wanted to call him Tom I personally would of called him woody.

Harrison showing us an eagles nest.

Here is a lizard thingie in the bush as you can see the Park is full of fun things to do! ha,ha.

The kiddies with a ripper cockatoo sculpture we found in the Park.

Chase being chased by honey bees, this Park is just full of fun things ha,ha.

The kiddies with the Parks wishing well which like so many others, just don't work! I threw in a five cent piece and made a wish.... But unfortunately I was still in the children's Forrest! ha,ha.

But unfortunately all great things come to and end and so it was back to the Tarrago and back to reality.