Fremantle Sculpture at Bathers 2017
Well after having a gander at Sculptures by the sea, we boarded the train for a quick trip to Fremantle. Where we were going to have a stickybeak at the 'Sculpture at Bathers', which is another little art collection on the foreshore at Bathers beach.

This monster is called 'The Shimmer' and it’s part lion, part snake, and part goat (you could call it 'The misses), and it's on show at 'The Bathers sculptures expedition'. Created by freo artist Susan Flavell, The Shimmer was inspired by the Greek mythical beast, the chimera, a creature with a lion’s head, goat’s body and serpent’s tail. And is what yours truly would call ART, I love it. it's scary, mean looking and his a real presents... come to think of it you sure it isn't the misses! ha,ha.

Not sure what these things are but if I had to have a stab in the dark, I would of thought they are a couple of Kangaroos...

Here is Harrison doing his impression of 'The Fremantle Doctor' which was made by Beverley born larger-than-life character Russell Sheridan, the sculpture has a dog and his Human pointing the way to the Fremantle Doctor! By the way it sold for $55,000... crikey!

Chase n' Harry show us 'Proto Persona' which was made out of steel plate, by another freo artist Richie Kuhaupt.

Here's Sarah showing us 'Dispersal Machine' by Lake Grace local Tania Spencer, 'It is a tool for the distribution of objects, seeds, thoughts, instructions or ideas. Almost anything you can think of can be broadcast by the Dispersal Machine', so it was pretty useless having Sarah using it ha,ha. By the way you to can own your very own Dispersal machine, for just a cool $8,800.

This sculpture was named 'Generator' by Australian born and Netherlands raised Tom de Munk-Kerkmeer, 'A wind driven visual poem, empowering contemporary society to move onwards'. mmm okay.

This one is called 'Dad's imagination' 'It's what the misses looks like after a six-pack', if your lucky! With-out-doubt my winner for the day.

Harrison showing us 'The Seedpod' by South Korean stone sculptor Jina Lee, who is now based in Fremantle and works out of the J- Shed. Chiseled out of a slab of local sandstone this sculpture could be all yours for a cool $14,000.

Sarah, Chase n' Oscar with 'Anemograph' by Melbourne artist based in Collingwood Cameron Robbins, who says he wants to make art that isn't about him – 'art which captures the power and rhythms of the natural elements'. This piece of art has already sold for $55,000 strewth!

And the last sculpture on the beach was 'Portal' which received the 2017 People's Choice artist award for this sculpture, made by Perth artist John Grono. So after a short walk along the beach, we strolled over to the WA Ship wreck museum...