Trip up to York
Another trip up to Nana and Pop's Farm and this time it's just me and the boys, as sarah is away with her friends for the night.

On the way up to the farm we always stop at York and stock up with all the provisions we need for a weekend up their, like Beer, Ice to keep the beer cold, snacks to eat while drinking beer and Panadol for when you get up in the morning after drinking too many beers!

This is an old wharf that was in use in the old days, to bring up supplies from Guilford on the Avon river.

The beaut old 'minimum falcon' she was a bloody ripper van over the years, this turned out to be her second last trip up to the farm...

Dinner time brings the kiddies away from their computer and phone games, and gaver around the old campfire waiting for a beaut feed. And what a bloody ripper feed it looks indeed, but fairdinkum when have you ever had a feed from a fire and you didn't like it. It's something that just gets under your skin, the smell of the fat sizzling away on the hot plate

while the bush dust on your tonsils are washed away with a ripper ice cold amber fluid..... Just beautiful.
And while your waiting for your feed to cook away just imagine turning around with tongs in one hand and a cold beer in the other, and looking at this scenery....

Does life get any better then this...
And finally with the sun down and our tummy's full of tucker, the kiddies get out the marshmallows...

And with the music blaring away in the background, we just drift away into the night.... This is the life.