A death in the family as we lost the VAN!
Well after seven years in the family we have finally said goodbye to the old van, affectionately known as the 'Millennium Falcon'.

She started to sound a bit different the day before she broke down just out of Ellenbrook, and after the RAC had looked over her it was 'Good night the fox'. The cost to fix the old girl and the fact that it could cost more as they hadn't even looked into the engine, meant that there wasn't any chance she was coming home with us.

So we thought we might just have a little gander of where she has taken us over the years, she camped on the mighty Murray river with us.

And here she was after driving over the Flinders rangers in South Australia.

On the Nullabor which she crossed twice on her trip across Australia back in 2015.

Ofcause everybody knows the big beer can in Cobar NSW.

Up at Cunderdin in Western Australia, wasn't the kiddies young back then.

Here she was camping at Balladonia roadhouse.

Another photo with the old girl on the Nullabor.

And her at the South Australian and Western Australian Border.

But as they say when one door closes another one opens, and with the old girl saying goodbye we also said G'day to our new girl. She's got heaps more toys then the old girl had, and it will be nice to have cruse control back again. And if we can get as many years out of her as we did out of the Millennium Falcon, then we will be one very happy family. So welcome to the Paul family 'The Storm trooper'.