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Sydney town

The whole mob that came down to Sydney for a walkabout, here we are wondering through China town.
Chase with the Destroyer HMAS VAMPIRE behind him.
The big outing for the day was to hit the 'Sydney National Maritime museum', which after a nice long walk from central station we came to.

The main atraction for the kiddies was the battleship Vampire, which once stepping into the gates was the first thing they all shot too.
Another warship at the museum was the Patrol boat 'ADVANCE'.
Oscar n' Chase at the back of two Bofors 40mm gun torrent.
Captain Oscar about to take the controls of the Destroyer HMAS VAMPIRE.... looks pretty confident... not.
Neviles playing around with a 4.5-inch (110 mm) turret.... don't all kiddies? The Destroyer has a total of 6 4.5-inch Mark V guns mounted in three Mark 6 twin turrets, two at the pointy end and one on the ass end of the ship ( That's naval sailor terminology for ya)
The all mighty HMAS VAMPIRE which started it's service during June 1959 and was Decommissioned in August 1986, after serving during the Malaysia conflict 1964-66 with honours.
Oscar n' Chase hoping onto the submarine HMAS ONSLOW which during it's time in service travelled the equivalent of more than 16 times around the world, Launched during 1968 (Good year that) and worked for another 31 years before being decommissioned.
Ocean diver's Oscar n' Chase can't you just feel the excitement! ha,ha.
Here's ocean diver Nicko getting attacked by a whale.. cool.
Can you pick the one who isn't happy to be the fat sailor?
Here's Lucy giving the Museum the thunbs up for the day.

Sarah having some fun on one of the hands-on activities at the Museum
Chase about to hop on the replica of the legendary HMB ENDEAVOUR ... Captain Cooks old ship which was built in Fremantle, or as Chase called it 'The Pirate ship' he was much more happy about that name.
'Arrr... Ahoy there matey! shiver me timbers'!
Oscar, Chase and Harrison on the whalf before catching an old sydney ferry around sydney harbour.
Going under the old coat hanger on Sydney Harbour.
Coming into the fingers whalf in Sydney harbour.
Jacko having a gander at the old girl 'The Sydney Opera House'
On the steps of the old girl.
My mob with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.
And a quick turn around and there's the Sydney Opera House behind us.
Nicko showing us the pointy end of the Opera House.
Here's one old girl untie Vicki showing us another old girl ha,ha.
We had a ripper long walk up through Sydney before hopping back on the train back home.

ha,ha they were stuffed after the long walk but they had a ripper day out in Sydney, thanks to the Paul Mob who took us on a beaut day out... and the kiddies just told me to thank untie Debra for the donuts on the way home on the train ha,ha.
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