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Day 2

After a night on the ground we packed up the tent and set off on our longest part of the drive, a friggin' 1200Kms till we hit Ceduna. But after a nice 154 Kms we had our first pit stop at Caiguna, here are the kiddies hanging around the world famous Caiguna Blowhole (well it is world
famous in Caiguna )

Caiguna roadhouse
Well it might only be the second straigest road in the world but fairdinkum it takes awhile to drive the bugger, the longest road belongs to 'Highway 10' in Saudi Arabia which goes on for a whopping 162 miles.... crikey.

They might of cleaned the roadhouse up a bit since me and Tania worked there (2000), but the old girl still feels like home to your's truly.

Something that wasn't there when we were their was this part of land reserved for retired Gnomes ha,ha, what a great gimmick.

We then drove down through 'The Basin' and along until we came to Border Village roadhouse, where we grabbed some chips and visted the one main attraction at Border...
That's right 'Rooey II'

We passed a few cops on our way along the 185km drive to the Nullarbor roadhouse without any problems, along the drive you can have a gander at the limestone cliffs on the Bight. But we were going to do that on the way back. Here's the mob in fround of the old concrete whale that has been here since they build the roadhouse, we made sure that the cattletruck was filled up at Eucla as their petrol is usually about 10 cents cheaper, and yes it was as Nullarbor petrol was at $1.88... crikey.
We even got to see one of Cousin Beckys old trucks as she use to drive for SHAWS.
Nullarbor roadhouse

We then drove an uneventful drive the rest of the way (298 kms) along the Nullarbor until we reached our destination which was Ceduna, and then straight to the Ceduna airport caravan park for a good night sleep in a friggin' bed.... fairdinkum you can stick that tent right up where the sun doesn't shine mate!
Trust me it mightn't look to beaut and it might have some very strange smells coming from it, but fairdinkum it shit's all over laying on the hard ground in a bloody old tent!

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