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Day 4

The best thing about bush camping is getting up early and enjoying the morning sun rise, and it's real easy to wake up the kiddies.... something about sleeping on hard rocky ground and no fridge to raid get's them up real early.

Our first stop was another car ferry at Cadell then a nice drive down to the riverbank town of Waikerie, where we cross the river again with a car ferry then into the township which is a real big place with all the big supermarkets so we filled up on our surplies. Waikerie was first established in 1894 and it's first settlers arrived by paddle steamers, before a road was made.... cool.
And the kiddies got another 'First' as they saw there very first fairdinkum Paddle steamer named 'THE MURRAY RIVER QUEEN'
And Then we had a nice days driving past little towns of Kingston on murray and Berri and Renmark, at Renmark the kiddies got to see another Paddle steamer named 'INDUSTRY'. And after having a good walk along the Murray we headed for some lunch at McDonnels, you just can't beat a cheap meal.

It was the Renmark Paringa Museum sitting on the picturesque banks of the Murry River, and was put together by the Mans shed of Paringa.... good on the old fellas.

After leaving Remark we drove over a ripper suspension bridge at Paringa which is still used during the week, that's when we noticed a little bush museum to the side so we had to have a gander.

Oh Turn it up Sarah!!! That's a bloody Telly and no it's not that old I can even remember that old telly... crikey it's a funny feeling when you see something that you remember and it's sitting in a friggin' museum!

And you can't have a beaut outback bush museum without the legend of all legends.... The old Bedford truck.
After leaving the museum we drove along the Sturt hwy crossing over the border in Victoria, and into Mildura driving through a dust storm all the way.

From their we drove down towards Swan hill along the Murray river Highway which takes you into New South Wales then back into Victoria for 239kms, until we finally make it too Swan hill where the kiddies got a ripper photo in frount of the big Murray Cod.

Unfortunally Swan hill was booked out so we drove another 55kms towards Echuca and got a cabin for the night at Kerang.
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