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Day 4

Well after a good night sleep we were back in the cattle truck for the start of the world reknown 'Nullabor Track' which is 1200kms long, but we will only be going to Balladonia roadhouse today so only a nice 1009kms... Crikey!

After a nice couple of hundred kilometres we stopped at the Nullabor roadhouse to get a few photos of that legandary road sign, that is probably the most photoed sign in Australia.

Thank God were almost home .... I think all the nevilles are getting a little bit over this stopping for photos next to road signs ha,ha.
The Great Australian Bight
The Bight is an open Bay off the Southern coastline of Australia, and can be considered a part of The Indian Ocean.
Sarah with the cliffs in the background, but I wouldn't get to close to the crumbling edge mate.
The sanddtone cliffs stand about 80 metres on average from the Ocean, they streatch 100kms from Border Village to Yalata and are the longest continuous cliffs in the world.
Yeah!!! Were crossing our last border which is the good thing the bad thing is were got over 1422 kms to go.... crikey! (as you can see I just told Chase that) ha, ha.
Now you can speed heaps of money for the kiddies to ride on the rollercoasters in those Queensland funparks, or they can have a swing on these great old swings from yesterday. They had a ripper time swinging about and running from swing to swing, but maybe they were just happy to be out of the van!
The kids are on a memorial for Edward John Eyre and John Baxter who were explores who crossed this hospitable land back in 1841 with three black fellas, when two of the aboriginal's attacked and killed Baxter (near Caiguna) Mr Eyre travelled the rest of the way with the third aboriginal named Wylie. Crikey they built them tough back in the old days, it gets into the 40's out here and they walked all the way.... bugger that.
The ruins of the old Eyre Telegraph station which at one stage (1890's) was the only conection between Perth and those other states, all that is left are the old 1897 stone walls which are visible above the Nullabor sands.
A rough dusty dirt track that takes you back to the Eucla roadhouse.
Back on the road we drove down through Eucla Pass and along the 'Basin' pass Mundrabilla roadhouse, and then another 116kms till we reached Madura roadhouse then drove to the top of Madura Pass where we took this photo.
So after travelling a warm 1009kms we made it into the Balladonia roadhouse, where we were going to sleep for our last night of the trip.... well after the kids got the tent up that is.
Sarah outside the Balladonia roadhouse just before sunset, after we set up the tent we walked over to have a ripper egg n' bacon burger each for the kiddies and a works burger for your's truly. With some hot chips on the side and washed down with a cold can of coke, fairdinkum here I am with my happy bunch of nevilles eating a dinner fit for a bloody king. A nice warm outback breeze blowing through the gum trees, and a beaut Balladonia dusty sunset in the background..... I ask you does life get any better then this.
To give you an idea how far 1009kms is, well thats like driving from Dundee in Scotland to Penzance Cornwall in England. But also think during that drive you only get to see about six roadhouses, 50 dead kangaroos, maybe an emu or the occasional dusty camel and probably fifty bloody roadtrains mate. And all that excitement packed in just one day!
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