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During our trip we poped into the legeandary Fort Scratchley, which is located at the eastern end of Newcastle up on what locals call signal hill.
Sophie n' Harrison having a gander at Nobbys head.... well they were until we took the photo.
What a happy bunch of vegies Nicko, Jessie, Sarah, Harry and the old fella.
On the night of 7-8 June 1942 the Battery's 6-inch guns fired two salvoes at a Japanese submarine that bombarded Newcastle with about two dozen shells, becoming the only coastal fortification to fire on an enemy Naval vessel.
The kiddies playing around with an '80 Pounder' don't all kids.
These Mk VII 6 inch Breech Loading Guns are right now still in service were used during WW1 and WW2 they had ripper shells each weighting 45kgs, and with a range of 13,400 m which in todays mesurements is just over 13kms.
Looking down on Nobby's head.
Boys and there toys!
Then we drove over to Newcastle's best keepet secret 'Blackbutt Reserve', which is a ripper nature reserve hidden away at the leafy suburd of Kotara.
Here's the handsome young devil himself... oh and Oscar's here as well! ha,ha.
Here's Nicko giving a feed to a big chook!
Photo's taken by Jodi's mob.

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