The missing piece...

Well after years in the making "The Corporate Box' was going to get it's missing piece, it's very own bar made out of the old crows nest triple bunk bed I made for the boys back at Spring close. See we needed four boys to sleep in one small bedroom, so I made a triple bunk bed and one more bed up high so I could put a desk under it. In doing so we could have fore boys in one room, looking back at that time it was fun but getting those boys to bed was a hand full. We had to get chase to sleep, then Oscar and followed by Harrison, and finally Jacko before yours truly hitting my own bed stuffed!

But getting back to the bar... well after making the base I then made the top part that would hold stuff on the inside, and pub photos on the show front. It was all hit and miss as I needed it to fit inside my small shed, but after a few adjustments I had it down pat.

After measuring it out with some old bed posts I came up with what I was happy with.

And I think it turned out you beaut hay showing some ripper wood grains from the Bunnings timber, I also made it a rap-around feather so I could fit my little bar fridge.

Then I had to move it into place to find out if I had got it right, Perfect height you beauty.

If you remember from an old post that I made up at York Farm, I cut up some old pieces of roofing tin so I could use it on the front of the bar. You can buy new tin for a fancy new look, but I reckon you can't beat that old used history look which was what I was going for. Plus it's a piece of the old York farm that we will always have to keep.

It's starting to come together pretty well if I might say so myself, all I need to do now is give it a coat of paint and to finish the wall on the 'Caiguna side'. But all in all it's looking real beaut now all I have to do is employ a barman, now that could be a challenge.