Bushwalk with kiddies

A bushwalk with some of the kiddies up in the bush at Red Hill so off we went up to the hill for our walk, and as we started walking the first thing we see is this ripper coke bottle in the ground... Pretty cool hay.

But the main reason was that Harrison wanted to get some ideas in taking photos, so we had a bushwalk with photo taking which actually took bloody longer then I thought.

I keep forgetting what I hate about bushwalking and that is that most of these bloody bushwalks are up and down bloody hills, fairdinkum I just don’t get it when I looked at the trail on the map it looked so flat!

There's also a reason why I let the kiddies walk first during our walks, as I heard a saying years ago that has kept me in good stride... 'If there’s one thing I’ve learned from hiking, it’s that the early bird gets the face full of spider webs'.
And so we just walked uphill and back bloody downhill, and Harry had heaps of fun taking photos, and the other two took there photos like me with there phones.

And you know we had a nice arvo in the bush, it's fun just getting away from all the stress that comes from life. Fresh air, the smell of wood and the noise of wind blowing through the trees, it was all just nice... but you can stick those hills right up your ass!
