Start the year with Whitemans
Well one of Whitemans Park's newest attractions is a place called Pia's Place, which is where we are today...

Now I know my kiddies are getting a bit too big for these ripper playgrounds, before I know it won't be long before yours truly will be sitting inside a local pub instead of sitting in a playground.

The playground is a all abilities play space with heaps of stuff for the kiddies to get there hands on, like swings, a rocker, cubbies, tunnels, spinner, sand play tables and these ripper poles and a beaut flying fox. So that should keep the littles ones entertained...

And the best bit is a ripper lighthouse which once you climb the 13m beacon, you get a 350 degree birdhouse view around the park. And of-cause you can then ride down the slide, the little fellas had a beaut time but they are getting a little big for this...