No8 The Mash Brewery

Set in the historic and tranquil surrounds of the bushy Swan Valley, the Mash Brewery is really a beaut place to sit back and soak up all the serenity. And as you can see Perth and the surroundings are in lock-down, but yours truly and Jacko are still working while the other kiddies are at home missing out on school... lucky buggers!

The Brewery is a pretty simple set up and you can watch the blokes working in the background, as the brewing go's on behind the bar so it's pretty hands on. And there have a pretty ripper beer garden where sometimes they even have live bands, but we take our beer to the front bar so we can have a gander at the stuff going on in the brewery.

Still a couple of weeks for us to wear masks but it seems like most things are getting back to normal, but I think the other states are going to have a harder time then we do. As over here in Western Australia it's known as the most isolated city in the world, so we hope anything that goes wrong somewhere else Perth will have the best chance to get things working before it hits us... We'll see.
CHIPS : 6.5/10