No10 The Feral Brewery

We had to have a beer in the world famous Feral Brewery as after nineteen years it was shutting it's doors in Baskerville, which will be a very sad day as this brewery started just after yours truly came to West Aussie. But the good news is that the brand will still be around but just in a different place, where that will be we just don't know, but the opening will be beaut and just maybe another stop over for us.

I remember when Feral lost it's independents as it was sold to Coca-Cola Amatil way back in 2017, but the two blokes who started the brewery walked away laughing with a cool $55 million... lucky buggers.

As you can see we enjoyed a glass of Feral draughts on a barmy hot day, and it was a sad moment knowing this would be last drinks we would be sinking in this ripper place. But I'm sure we will be happy wherever they build there new brewery, it's just a pity it probably won't be in the swan valley. And sadly this was going to be our last drinks for a fair while, as I didn't know what was about to happen the next morning....