Back to Whitemans

Well after taking three months off work because of my stroke, I had done a fair bit of walking but I hadn't been back to Whitemans Park for awhile. But after buying a new bike and feeling a lot better it was time to get back into some getting around, so a few bike rides around Whitemans was always going to be in my mind.

And our first ride was along the old train track that goes around the park, and these photos where taken at it's first train station KANGAROO FLATS. Here's Oscar n' Chase sitting atop one of the not-so old coal carts that were used to cart coal, and it was also a chance to rest my ass as I had totally forgotten how hard a bike seat can be!

And as you can see Chase had forgotten how to use hes brakes, as we watched him plow into a guard rail along the side of the road. Yes me and Oscar did laugh but we laughed compassionately ha,ha.