A bloody awful day mate
Hi everyone just a small chat to tell everybody that on last Saturday I had a stroke, it happen when I got up in the morning to take Jacko to work. I was very lucky as it was a temporary one which lasted about twenty minutes, during that time I couldn't walk straight I couldn't use my right arm as normal and my right side of my face drooped (fairdinkum I looked more scary then normal), and also I struggled with my speech with all my words muddled. During this time I honestly thought this was going to be me for the rest of my life, which really scared the crap out of me. But luckily for me it lasted just over twenty minutes, and slowly I recovered my speech, use of my arm and started walking again to my greatest relief.

Since then I have been in Midland Hospital where the doctor called it a Ischemic stroke, he said I must of had a blood clot in my leg which traveled up into my heart. I also found out that I have a hole in my heart (an ultrasound showed that) which is where the clot went through and then reached my brain where it blocked the artery, there is damage but what damage I'll probably find out latter in life as right now I feel okay. So with two Cat scans, an MIR, shitload of needles and three ultrasounds behind me (Yes I'm not pregnant). I'm now back home without a drivers license for a month and no work for three. I can't begin to say how scary that was but I'm so happy to say that I'm now pretty well back to normal. There's little things that I noticed today that happen like I dropped two things out of my right hand, and I can't remember ever dropping anything before in my life. Except once I dropped a BBQ hotplate on my leg, but that was my big sister Vicki's fault (Yes Vic and I'm sticking to that ha,ha). Also when I'm talking to someone I suddenly just forget what I was talking about, which actually comes in handy when I'm talking to the misses, but I'm sure that over time everything will gradually get back to normal. Sometime in the next few weeks the doctors are interested in closing the hole in my heart, but I'll leave all that up to the professionals they know what there doing, as for me it's just time to rest.... Thanks.
And while I'm taking six tablets every day, their will be no brewery's for awhile... bugger!