Turning my shed into a corporate box!

My inspiration behind changing my shed into a place that I'll love to just hang out with my kids, somewhere where I can brew a beer and just get away from some of the day to day stuff. Is my old man Victor who loved just to get away from everyone and build something, he was forever hanging out under the house in his shed building/making and repairing stuff that had broken down. He was a great man and a good friend someone who you could really rely on, this photo takes pride and place inside my shed and will until the day I die.

This is a piece of the Indian Pacific side of the shed before I placed it into place, in time it will hold my future tv for watching music videos and re-runs of the Knights Grand finals! I know it will take years to get the shed up to scratch, but I reckon that's what makes it heaps of fun, that and the fact that when I'm in the shed I'm not within' cooee of the phone so that has to be a good thing.

And in between doing stuff inside the shed I have to find time to set down some lovely home brew, here Oscar is giving me a hand in the bottling part of the process which is probably my favorite part... except for the drinking part! ha,ha. Tell ya the truth home brew can be an acquired taste sometimes it can taste like it's been filtered through a pair of old reg grundys, but then again it could go down quicker then a twenty dollar hooker. The main requirement to liking home brew is that your not to fussy about what your drinking, and being a real tight-ass when it comes to spending your moolah as a finished longneck bottle comes in at about 80 cents. I can remember my old barman at the Waratah Inn who loved to make home brew, gave me some good advice years ago and I will never forget it. He said 'Dave' (he was hopeless with names) he said 'Dave, there are three kinds of people in this world; those who can count and those who can't' I will always remember that ha,ha.

After the first two years I have finally almost finished the first side which I effectually call the Fremantle Doctor end, This will hold my old Knights jersey and an old photo of our great uncle Lea Roy Paul who fought and died in the First World War. And of-cause when possible take in a few home brews to make the mind wonder what to do next ha,ha. Not all brews come out beaut but this one did, you remember the good ones and get through the bad ones ha,ha... I remember feeling sad when I got to the last bottle but with a bit of luck another great brew will come along. And as I believe I better love home brew because by the time I'm financial enough to eat and drink the best stuff around, my doctor will limit me to a bloody glass of milk!

This is what I started with just a blank wall and a beer in my tummy, what I get is just pure bloody luck but I did know I wanted a place for the dart-board. So after a nice trip to bunnings for some wood and the odd screws, I just started marking out lines and before long we have the beginning of the Roebuck Bay side! My shed by the way is named 'THE CORPORATE BOX' which my old mate Jacky Rissole made a sign for and hangs proudly inside, so when my mates at work say what ya doing on the weekend I just say 'Hanging out at my corporate box' ha,ha.

And after a good weekend of cutting, marking and drinking we come up with the final side, now over the next few months yours truly will change a few things and add some new shelves and then I might be done. By the way the empty poster frame now holds my mate Jacky Rissoles old Sydney swans Jersey, as he left this beautiful place to move down to live in that little Australian off-cut Tasmania! In moving there some people might think it was a bad move, but he then made another bad one by changing from supporting the swans to going for the bloody magpies! Crikey imagine actually deciding to go for a team like Collingwood, but then again he loves he's home brew and just like yours truly he likes to nudge the turps, so he would of been pretty chockers when he made up his mind ha,ha.

And after putting up the dart board which was a parting gift from my little mate Jacky Rissole... Out of the woodwork came the kiddies for a few
quiet games of darts, and after the first night of matches Oscar was the first person to hit a bullseye! Which has catapulted the little fella into star status in my shed, In fact he's probably still the only one to hit the bloody thing. Actually my kiddies always ask me for advice which I'm more then happy to give them... Like I told Harrison just the other day 'You know Harry a smart husband thinks twice before saying nothing' ha,ha.

Time for another brew to be brewed and this time the other little fella Chase has giving me a hand, I always reckon the best time to teach your kids how to brew a beer is when there young.... and they don't mind the washing up! And trust me there's a fair bit of washing up to do and don't think there drinking the beer either! As if I would let them drink my beer anyway ha,ha. But when they get to the right age of 18 they can taste it and say it tastes like donkey's piss, and go down to the bottle-o and pay $48 bucks for a carton and give a few beers to their dad out of sympathy. Not a bad game plan if I might say so myself. Come to think of it I think my old man used the same game plan on yours truly.... that cheeky bugger!

And the final piece I made a few weeks ago was a wooden cabinet to place my Dad's medals in, as my dad served for six years in the air-force and was based in Rathminds air-force base. Over the years he moved to a few different places and spent some time out at Emu Field near Maralinga, and was present when the army started there atomic tests. Dad received the Australian service medal which you receive after spending more then two years in the defense force. I was very proud to receive my Dad's medals, and I'm hoping they will hang in my shed for a very long time. This cabinet was placed on the Indian Ocean side which is pretty close to finished, but after a few beers I do at times change my mind on stuff and I wouldn't be surprised to see me change a few things in the future.
As for what's next well I have to build a nice cabinet to house my brewery, replace a bench I'm using on the Indian ocean side and place a tv and a new fridge inside the shed as my old fridge 'Matilda' parted ways with me last year. Make my very own Didgeridoo... I can see a few beers being guzzled in the making off that one, and I'd like to have some sort of air-con as right now the only breeze I get is from the mozzies and the dunny budgies! So there's heaps of stuff still to be finished but that's where all the fun is hay, so I reckon I might be done sometime in the next three to five years!
p.s I shouldn't write posts when I'm drinking ha,ha.