Trip to York farm.

Another trip up to the farm and the first for the year, and as you can see from the other posts we were all over the place like a mad woman's shit! But to survive up at the farm we have to take a nice thirty kilometer drive into York for surplus like tucker, beer, ice, beer and important stuff like .... beer!

Now this is sad here we have one of Yorks great legeandry Pubs 'The Palace hotel', which has been refurnished and renamed The York and the front bar has been replace with a fancy restaurant area. At least it is still standing but still sad...

And a short drive back to the farm for a night of tucker, drinking and kids running about yelling... And of-cause I had to get a photo of my new baby, or as yours truly likes to refer her too as 'The storm trooper' the Elle Macperson of the Paul family.... Isn't she just beautiful.

Our very first 'Big Bash International match' of the year, with Harrison smashing a four back past the big Osk. He actually had a ripper at bat until the tin-can was knocked over, but when I thought it was all over the big Osk started hitting fours to all parts of the backyard. Fairdinkum he sent the brown snakes running!.. well sliding or shuffling whatever those little slimy buggers do, to all parts of the yard and in doing so won the first big bash match for 2018.

And don't we aussies just love a good sun set, and up here in the bush we have bloody rippers. It set's the mood for a beaut night of drinking around the campfire, and tonight was no different as the light went down out came the fire.

And after these little beauties disappeared we threw on a few more snags, and the night started to kick in. Now let me just set the mood for ya... You have the sun setting in the background as your nose strings breath in the meaty smells of cooked bbqued chops, and as you bite into them with your laughing gear your tonsils roll around in the juicy aroma of the cooked lambs! And while your body is taking all this in you notice a nice warm bush breeze slide by, while a kiddy runs pass chasing a tiger snake into the tall grass and you think to yourself... Does it get much better then this.

Now this is what life is all about having good tucker, a fire burning away and a ripper beer to wet the tonsils.... Bloody beautiful mate.

In the morning as I was making my way into bed, I noticed Oscar asleep in his sleeping bag and had to have a laugh. How the hell you can fall asleep with your feet in the air, has me stuffed but it is really funny ha,ha.