Gold Coast vs Fremantle.

Well after all these years Oscar finally got the opportunity to watch his loved Gold Coast Suns, at the mighty new Optus Stadium against Sarah's Fremantle Dockers.

And so I took both Sarah and Oscar to the match of the year, brother against sister for bragging rights for the rest of the year, and being a silly bugger I left my phone at home! (crikey talk about feeling naked). So only one photo and I think it says it all as poor Oscar had to sit in the stadium, and listen to the Docker fans going off as they went on to win the match easily with the score finishing at 68 to 96.

But I did come away a winner as I was able to get two free kids tickets with my adult one! And to make it an even better win there was a sponsorship deal that if freo won then everybody gets a big mac on monday, so everybody's came out a winner.