Eric's trip into the outback

Hi everyone Eric here and I'll tell you all about my latest trip into the WA Outback!
Here I am with my family on York's only tourist attraction the Suspension Bridge.

Then we drove out to Green hills where Nana n' Pop has there little outback farm, and get ready for a night's campfire yeah...

Me having a wonder around York's Farm with one of the paddocks in the background.

Me and my adopted family at the bush town of Corrigin which is well known for the 'Dog in the ute world record' which started way back in 1997 in one of those Mexican bush towns in Victoria. It was 214 dogs in utes! but we took it of them with 699 in 1998, only too have them get it back in 2000 with 797! So Corrigin then got real serious and two years later, the small West Australian town nearly doubled the previous world record by attracting 1527 dogs in utes to its event on April 13, 2002... Crikey!

Then after a short drive in Carlos car we made it to Wave rock, not bad for a stone!

The view from up top of Wave rock... I must be about the only ever gnome to actually sit up on top of this ripper rock hay.

And I had a ripper drive along the Tin-horse-highway.

That's me way way way down the bottom.... Now I know what Tasmania must feel like lol.

And finally a photo with the World Famous RABBIT PROOF FENCE! It might be rabbit proof but this gnome got over it pretty easy lol, and that was it for my latest trip out back.... with maybe some more in the years to come.