Dad's Goodbye

Mum and Dad during happier times, Dad was always good for a laugh.

My great family during Dad's wake at the Toronto's RSL, MARK PAUL, PHILLIP PAUL, YOURS TRULY, VICKI PAUL, The monarch of the Paul family MAUREEN PAUL, DEBRA SMITH and JODI TROON.

The Toronto mob with the Singleton mob together

Maureen Paul with most of her grand-kids who could be there for that sad day.

Jacko & Nicko
Sophie & Sarah

Yours truly and my ripper sister Jodi.

This is my good old mates from my Toronto baseball years, it was a nice gesture of them to come to dad's funeral and I really appreciated them taking the time to be there. Starting with the greatest baseball legend on the left is George 'Two Dogs' Siedlecki, with the greatest coach of all time Phil 'Boofhead' Conway, followed by Drinking/Baseballer legend Andrew 'Jacki Rissole' Souter. Then comes the Queen of Toronto Baseball and legendary scorer Margret 'Margs' Conway and ending on the right Junior legend tee-baller Jodi 'Skinny's sister' Troon. Hidden in the back line is yours truly Legendary catcher 'Skinny boy', and finally in the background is the legendary Chris 'Plucka Duck' Troon.

Dad with his family DESMOND PAUL, CARMEL DUNN, COLIN PAUL, BILLY PAUL and Dad VICTOR PAUL. Sadly at the time of dad's funeral uncle Billy was the only family member left, it really breaks everybody's heart in the Paul Family to lose so many important family members in such a short space of time.

Dad's final resting place at the back of Saint Joseph Catholic church Toronto, is immersed in a tranquil bushland setting which just so-happens to over look Kilaben Bay where hes second son Mark Paul's ashes were spread. And also some of Dad's ashes were spread by family members at Whitemans Park in Western Australia.