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Anzac Day '18


This year was always going to be a strange one as it would be my first time in my life, that my father wouldn't be around to have a drunken phone call to after our morning out. And what a nice warm morning it was as the temperature was a ripper 18 degrees, and the sun hadn't even come up. 

As usual we had our ripper morning Champagne breakfast just after the morning dawn service and as you might of noticed I couldn't get my hands on our normal alcohol-free champagne, but a nice red champagne would just have to do to warm our belly's and to wash down our anzac biscuits.

When my father passed away just two months ago I was offered by my mother to receive my dad's Australian Defence Medal, which Dad received for his six years service in the Australian Air Force. I have built a nice wooden case to keep the medal safe in my shed, but I thought it would be nice if every year I get it out and let one of his grandchildren wear it to our Anzac Dawn Services. And so we are starting with the oldest child which is our Jacko, and I know how much it meant to him to wear it in honor of his Grandfather. 

And it was a nice morning with the sound of the bagpipes in the background, and it's also nice to know that my kids have grown up with the knowledge of respect that we should show towards these great soldiers who gave the greatest sacrifice that anyone could of ever have given. 



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