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Walkabout around Guilford


The old Guilford bridge going over the majestic Swan River, with Chase & Oscar about to begin our walkabout around the old market village of Guilford. These days the old town is a bit more laid back from it's hay days, but there are still some ripper old buildings here and there.

This place was established way back in 1829 and Guildford was primarily the center of the Swan River Colony, before Perth town succeeded in being the dominant location. Here are the kiddies climbing on a Quick Firing (QF) 1942 25-pounder artillery gun, Guildford War Memorial was originally erected in memory of those from the district who served in World War One. The names of those who lost their lives in World War Two were added to the memorial at a later date. At the unveiling ceremony, the Mayor of Guildford stated that 73 men had paid the supreme sacrifice which back then was a huge loss to a small community.

The Museum of Natural History which is in the main street, me and the kiddies had a wonder through and is on the next post. A pretty amazing place which is packed to the rafters with stuff from all over the world.

No trip to Guilford is complete unless you have a quick trip passed the Guilford Hotel, the pub was built in 1886 and was doing a ripper trade until it was engulfed in flames, leaving only an empty shell in 2008 but after major renovations was reopened in 2016. And they have done a bloody ripper job inside, yes it doesn't look the same as it did when we use to order a beer in the back bar. But in a lot of ways it's a hell of a lot better, with some great drinking areas and the tucker in the outside bar area is to die for.

And of cause if your going to have a stop over at Guilford then you have to pop into the world famous 'Alfred's Kitchen', and fairdinkum it's hot dogs & Burgers are bloody rippers. This place is the perfect stop if you have drank a few pints at the Guilford Hotel, then maybe a quick one at The Sterling Arms and a wee little one at The Rose & Crown Hotel on the way home.

Alfred's is the longest running roadside burger kitchen in Perth, Australia, beckoning passersby with an outdoor fire, ample seating, and mouth-watering aromas from their famous burgers on the grill. And as you can see they have opened there first dining area in an old historic 1906 train carriage, or you can just sit around the open fire that's burning every night and just enjoy the atmosphere of Guilford at night.



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