Museum of Natural History

So on our walkabout around Guilford we noticed on the main street, this strange old building with the name 'Museum of Natural History'. The building itself was The Regent Theatre and was opened in 1926, it closed in 1966 and is heritage listed and now is home to the Museum of Natural History.

And fairdinkum it's packed to the rafters with stuff from all over the world, Experience the feel of the Australian bush as you wander amongst the kangaroos, emus, sharks and snakes, and the occasional dinosaur all beautifully presented by Master Taxidermist, Michael Buzza.

Oscar, Chase & Patricia the Rhinoceros.

This is Basil the water buffalo.

Oscar being eaten by Bernadette the Velociraptor but really this couldn't happen because this little cutie lived 66 million years ago, so that makes Bernadette one very old raptor sheilah.

As you can see the who expedition is held inside the one room, but the bloke has done a beaut job getting it all in. But unfortunately my little camera couldn't get all of Eleanor the Brachiosaurus, who roamed the earth way back about 154 million years ago... crikey.

There's the rest of Eleanor and isn't she a beaut sort.... for a dinosaur.

Of cause there's heaps more but you can only take so many photo's but as we left we noticed Lucille the Triceratops, which was walkabouting around the place way back around 68 million years ago. Fairdinkum it's not a bad little place and the kiddies loved having a gander, so I'd recommend people having a sticky beak and a wonder around wasting a little bit of time.