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A different pet shop


On one of our day driving trips with Tania, Harrison, Oscar and Chase, the misses told me to drive around to have a gander at this pet-shop, I thought who bloody drives around to have a look at a pet-shop but I thought okay I'll give it a burl. We were in a suburb called Wattle Grove and the pet-shop was called Birds and fish place, and it turned out to be a bloody ripper place.

Here's something you don't see everyday... and no it's not the Sun's supporter ha.ha it's a bloody Dinosaur!

And here's Chase feeding a plaint-eating Triceratops, can you imagine having him in your backyard... The dinosaur that is not bloody Chase, I've already got one of him and I don't need another believe me!

Hay have a gander at this big bugger isn't he a bloody beauty, I think in time he could become mates with Harrison. Well Harry has to deal with monkeys all around him every day, so this gorilla should be right up his alley.

But the pet-shop has just about everything, from happy Black cockatoos to dogs, cats, fish and even bloody Dinosaurs ha,ha. But as I tell my kiddies that you should never take anything, and just leave with memories ha,ha... well it's worked so far.



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