Start on the roof

The first roof panel in and everything is going well, I have got the right distance that I wanted, so lets see if everything goes to plan.

Everything is going well and I feel that maybe we have gotten it right.

Now just one panel to go and then onto the next project for the day.

And then it was done.

In the old days we had a drain that just run down and hit the pavers so I've decided that it would be better to have a drain, with a extra run off pipe just in-case the drain fills over.

And here we have it.

Now with all this done I can get back to working on the wall and then the paving, there is way to much to go yet but I do want it to look better then it is now.

But for the rest of the arvo it was time for me to sit down in the Corporate Box, have a nice few cans of Dingo and have an in-dept chat to my Building designer Bazza.