Moving the Kids Playground

Well after years of this playground sitting at the end of the outside Patio, we had made the decision to move the playground down to near the back shed. Mainly so the kids would then use the new grass area, and also it would give us more land to do stuff with near the Patio.

The first thing was to dig out all the ground around the support poles and then to start undoing the bolts holding the roof on, this was a funny feeling like we were getting rid of an old friend as all the kiddies had climbed all over this thing. But we were just moving it to a better area for all the small new kiddies to play on it...

And trust me it wasn't that easy to get that bloody roof of without breaking it, but it was off and we went into the next job.

And that job was the big one and that was getting the body of the platform down without breaking it, and it took all fore of my boys to get it off and move it to the backyard area. Fairdinkum just after I moved it I couldn't believe how much space it gave us.

Two new legs added to the old platform and I had to start to dig the foot holes, but with the sun going down it was time for a sit back and a cold beer in hand.

So trust me it took all fore kiddies to pick that up and slid it into place, and after getting into place I started to replace the roof.

And how good does that look once I'm finished there will be a little walkway over to the platform, and I'll get the slid back on but just looking at it made me happy I moved it to this place.

And after weeks of working out the back on the Patio and paving, and then all the work in the backyard I was stuffed but fairdinkum doesn't this look beaut.

I and reckon it looks real beaut if I might say so myself, fairdinkum it looked like it was always there and the kiddies loved it. Now as the sun was going down I would grab a cold tinnie, and just sit back and enjoy that feeling you get when your finished a job. When your back aches your legs moan and you just relax your shoulders, and sip on that nice cold beer as you enjoy the view of your hard work.

And then you turn around and remember that you still have one more job to do.... Bugger!

We just did a nice clean up but I'm still wondering what I want to do with this area, I've changed my ideas so many times that I won't commit to an Idea until I'm happy with it. So for now it will stay just as a dirt patch, now where was that beer.