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Melbourne Cup '22


Well it's that time when the horses jump at the barrier for the Melbourne cup, and this year I'm going for a Sheila named 'Realm Of Flowers'. Now my winning odds over the years have been pretty well ordinary, I think I've had one winner in the last twenty years . But that was last year so that gives me some updated racing creds! So I used all my racing knowledge (with some added additional dingo lager beers) and came up with this little sheila to win the tin trophy, so what was the winning formula I used to pick this year's winner I hear you ask? Well after a good nights drinking in the shed yours truly came up with a few little things that when you put them all together you come out on top... Like firstly she's a sheila and her name has flowers in it, and everybody knows sheila's love flowers. She's an aussie sheila and that makes her a tough egg just like last year's winner, also she has Realm in her name which is in my favorite tv show.... Game of Thrones! (See the connection thrones sounds very like thorns, and flowers have thorns... come on join the dots). Oh and even the jockey has thorn in his name...Damien Thornton! And finally her colours are green and black which everybody knows are the colours of Monster energy drinks, and my misses is a monster! Well she's a dragon in Chinese year stuff, and a dragon is just kinda like a monster!

The Corporate box brains trust

So their you have it another hard nights drinking effort in the corporate box with my mate Bazza to come up with this year's winner, well it worked last year ... by the way Bazza is going for 'Deauville Legend' as bazza is lazy and always goes for the favorites! And my little mate Eric picked 13 Serpentine which is an Irish horse, I think the little fella picked him as he was paying $31 and wanted to lift up our winnings. So if your a trifecta lover we (The corporate box members brain trust) have come up with 24, 8 and 13... You heard it here first.

Well the horse we picked didn't take out the prize but did come in at the respectable fifth, which over the years is a pretty good tip from me. The winner was a french colt by the name Gold Trip which payed out a ripper $21, and did you hear how much the trifecta pay in the Melbourne Cup? fairdinkum $16494! crikey now that's a ripper payday in anyone's books...



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