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A final Goodbye to Dad...


Today we said our last official goodbyes to my father Victor Paul in what was for yours truly a very emotional day, and one that I'll remember for the rest of my life.

As you can see we had a ripper turn out of family members from both sides of our country, with Phil's family coming to Whitemans Park and also Mum, Mark and his son Jacob gracing us with their presence on this real beautiful day to send off Dads ashes.

Here's two happy little vegemites Sarah and Jacko enjoying not only the ripper day's sunshine, but also the B.B.Q and great company at Whiteman's Park.

Yours truly with my old little mate Harry getting a few snags into us, this little fella came sink heaps of bloody tucker and not put one little pound on ha,ha.

But as he gets older hell start to fill out, but he's got heaps of time before that happens.

Here's Mum with her other little mate Oscar who's giving us the double thumbs up, which to him means a real ripper day.

Here's my brother Mark who came all the way from Melbourne to spend this important day with us, this meant so much to me and the others for him to do such a thing. This photo means more to me then most people could think off, as only a year latter Mark would be in a fight for his own life fighting cancer. Sadly after a hard and sad fight he lost his life to that awful disease, so this photo of him and Chase would always have a place in my heart.

And this is a very special photo also as it's my brother Mark's son Jacob who also was in Melbourne at the time, so he gave his time to fly with his dad to spend the arvo with us. He's a great bloke and so is he's other brothers Jarrod and Ben who were unable to come over, which is very understandable. It was a hard day for our mum but as usual she seemed to enjoy the moment of having as many of her family members together as possible, if only for a short time it was still a remediable time for her and all of us.

We all walked around this graceful old tree and said our goodbyes to Dad as we spread his ashes around the base, it was a very moving moment that I'll always will remember even today as tears welled up in my eyes.

Goodbye old mate I'll always remember you

There's a quote I heard years before from Dr Seuss which then didn't have a real meaning, but now it seemed the perfect time to say it...

 'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened'



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