A Saturday arvo in the beer garden

'Poetry in bloody motion' Don't we just love a ripper BBQ during a Friday arvo in summer, and we used the new BBQ that Harry got me for Chrissy and isn't it a bloody ripper. Oh, and here's a joke for yeah... Why did the pine tree fall down? Because it had too many cones.

Now that's just nice in anyone's book hay and fairdinkum it went down quicker than a ten-dollar hooker, that boys cooking is getting better with age.

I received a bottle of red from a truck driver before Christmas and I thought this was as good as any arvo's to crack it open, and I tell you what it's a bloody ripper. It's from down Margreat River way and is going down nicely just like a good woman.

Just the way God intended us to spend you Saturdays, sitting back enjoying a good stake washed down with a nice Margreat River red. Everybody having a yack while the sun sets on another great weekend, fairdinkum life doesn't get much better than this.

Then got up in the morning to take this little sheila and her mum and Nana for a breakfast at Whiteman's Park, what a great nice lazy weekend this was, we need more.