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Third day...


Madura roadhouse to Fowlers Bay


So after a little sleep-in we packed up our camp and hit the dunny before our next leg of our journey, which if everything goes well will be eating fish n' chips next to the ocean.

And what a ripper day to drive across the Nullarbor, we had a early stop for a quick feed and drink at the Mundrabilla roadhouse.

We then stopped at the Old Telegraph Station at Eucla, before the telegraph came, communication between Western Australia and the rest of the nations took months, but when the Eucla telegraph line and manual repeater station were established in 1877, transmitting messages only took a few seconds. The Telegraph was as important for them then as the Internet is for us today.

While we were there Harry got his little mate Eddy Jr the drone out for a fly, and he almost lost the bloody thing as he was (and everyone else) running around in the sand dunes looking for Eddy as he was losing his battery. Luckily for him and Eddy Jacko just found him before he landed, and so with a happy and re-leaved Harry we got a happy snap with him and his best new friend.

Border Village roadhouse

Well there's only one thing that is worth stopping at Border Village for, and that is to get a photo with RooyII the big ass kangaroo. And talking about asses these fellas are starting to smell.

And before we knew it we were at the Nullarbor cliffs for another photo opportunity, I always wondered to myself that if a big gust of wind pops up then it would be 'goodnight the fox' for the kiddies. And I'd just have to watch as they through over the cliffs and down to their deaths, but on the bright side it would be a lot quieter in the car.

Jacko and his pride and joy Eddy and isn't she a good look sort.

And here we are at the world famous Nullarbor Roadhouse, which is world renown because... well because it's in the middle of nowhere.

Oh that's right it has the fiberglass whale on the Nullarbor.

And here's a photo a fair few years ago when the kiddies went over east, as you can see there a lot bigger now.

And of-cause when your driving for friggin' ages you tend to stop for photo's of anything, in this case we got a photo of a sign along the track.

Well over the years I've always driven past a sign for Fowlers Bay, which is a nice little seaside fishing village on the outskirts of Ceduna. And I've always wondered how beaut it would be to sit back on a lovely blissful white sanded beach, enjoying the sound of the waves rushing into the shore with an occasional glance at a couple of beautiful white pointers.

Of Cause having the kiddies there would pretty well fuck it up, but for some reason every time I go walkabout these little bastards always seem to be hanging round!

But to be true I didn't need the kiddies to stuff this up, as Fowler's bay pretty well does a good job all by itself! Anyway there's about three... Sorry four things you can do in Fowler's Bay, the first thing is you can have a gander at the wooden jetty. The second thing is you can walk on the beautiful old wooden jetty, and thirdly you can take a photo of that ripper old jetty... And the last thing is you can do is walk up the sand-hills, and that pretty well sums up Fowler's bay.

I had imagined (I have to stop doing this) sinking my laughing gear into some ripper fresh fish n' chips as we are in a seaside village, but unbeknown to yours truly the local shop shuts early on a Sunday (I wouldn't call three in the arvo bloody early, I'd call three in the arvo fucking breakfast!). So now we had to use all our extra emergency food supplies to get us through the night, so after feasting on seven wetbixs washed down with milk we can now settle down to a nice cold beer and enjoy the fucking freezing seasalted encrusted air that's filling out lungs.

This was our camp for the night at Fowlers bay caravan park, at least we had shelter from the wind and we had a camp kitchen. And most importantly it had a nice hot shower...

The sandhills at Fowlers Bay.

These sand hills are without doubt the best thing in Fowlers Bay, and the kiddies had a fair bit of fun pushing each other over the sides. But now it was time to go back and wrap my laughing gear around those weet-bix for dinner.



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