Pub crawl in Armidale

Well after a quick chat to Jodi n' Chris we were off to enjoy a few of the legendary pubs around nippy old Armidale, and our first port of call was the newish Welder's Dog at the top of Marsh street.

Sop's attempt at getting out of the photo before we moved inside to wash some of the road dust from our throats, with some of the Welder's Dog's beers which turned out to be pretty bloody good.

As close to Heaven as this old dog will probably get

Then a nice close walk across Marsh street and we were inside my favourite pub in Amidale The old Saint, which we didn't just sink a ripper Great Northern but also a bloody ripper Chicken Parmi.

So, with a couple of ripper beers and a Parmi onboard we headed in my favourite direction... Downhill!
Until we reached The Whitebull Hotel, which actually has a black bull on the side of the hotel but I'm not being picky..... Well, yes, I am but yours truly just thought that was a bit funny. Inside the pub it's all been done up really nice and the sports bar was right up to scratch, the beer was cold and went down really nice and the company was beaut.

Then we were off again across Beardy Street and here we were at our next pub and yes it was The bloody Royal Hotel, well as we found out on our trip most bush towns have a Royal hotel in them and Armidale wasn't an anception! And as you can see the smiles were getting bigger and yet we were still getting photos without blurrs, except for Harry and Oscar who noticed a good looking sheila walking by (You can't hold that against them) ... The pub itself was all nice inside and the beers went down Nicely, but what we didn't know was the night was getting closer to a finish then we had thought...

Well, these smiles were premature as when we tried the door it was bloody closed! That's what happens when you go drinking on a Wednesday night in Amidale, so then with a hint of urgency we bolted back to the old Royal before they shut their doors for a last drink for the night.

And as you can see the beers were having their effect as the photo quietly was starting to disappear, and it became a 'All hands-on deck approach' to get your face in the frame. And sadly, that was our last drink and our last photo of the night, as all the other pubs were shut up for the night. But it was a ripper little pub crawl, and we all had a beaut night drinking and chatting...