Our local The Brook

Friday pub day and today we're at our home local the old Brook hotel, and it's walking distance home. Seeing we don't have to drive home that means you can sink just a few more then normal... Beauty! Here's Jacko showing you the Brooks front beer garden, while enjoying a ripper cold pint of Great Northern.

Just between you and me that parmie went down quicker then a brides nighty, it was an absolute bloody beauty! Fairdinkum I'm fuller then a pommie complaint box.

Well we finally made it back home for a few coldies at the Corporate box beer garden, enjoying a few beers and some rounds of pool with Jacko and Bazza... Life's pretty good.

Well I'm having a bit of a Jesus moment right now... Yes I've probably had just a few more then yours truly should, but it's just a barmy temperature and the beers going down quicker then a ten dollar hooker. Now you know when Jesus was born there was a star over the stables (Yes the stables because between you and me I think Joseph was a bit of a tight ass when it came to spending his money) and that's where the little fella popped out, and right now we had the moon over the corporate box bar! Now stay with me on this.... That might mean that the back shed might have a bit of holiness about it! The only problem is where having a bit of a problem trying to find three wise men , yes we might have two drunk fellas and a skeleton, but I wouldn't really use the word wise about us...