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Drinking sesh with Bazza


So what do you do when it's a barmy saturday arvo the suns out and you have some country music going off above the pool table, well I reckon a quick trip down to the bottle'o and grab a few different beers and have a beer testing day with one of my best mates.

Now it's not like yours truly to promote something before giving it a burl so on a normal barmy West Aussie arvo with me old sparring partner Bazza the resident Corporate Box barman, we strapped ourselves in for a good old fashion taste test off with these two new local Aussie beers. So what's it like to sink a DUKE from Lucky Bay Brewery I hear you ask? Well it's a true blue John Williamson type Pale Ale, which delivers a balanced Melbourne cup malt character which lingers on like a Nullarbor dirt track. It's all natural like a good Broken hill sheilah with no artificial stuff, and fairdinkum it's got a cleaner palate then the local greyhounds dog bowl. It mentions that it has a fruity flavour which I found out after going to the bog box, Crikey after squeezing out a champion I thought I was sitting in a bloody orchard!

As for Bazza's SPINIFEX ALE he said it's beaut! (A man of not many words old Bazz) but I'll trust him on that, So both me and Bazza gave them the thumbs up during this ripper day drinking session



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