Day 3 Another big drive

Back on the road again..... I just love the outback fairdinkum it's just a great feeling to get up in the morning, breathing in that cool fresh air while drinking down a nice hot coffee. No noise around except the occasional roadtrain and a call from a bush crow, and then jumping behind the wheel and just feeling the tarmac rushing by as the landscape keeps changing from flat treeless plains as you pass through some nice little townships and the odd roadhouse.

Fairdinkum life doesn't get much better then this...

Well we stopped at Kimba for two things first so we could get a photo with all the galahs, after the first attempt of a photo a couple of weeks before hadn't finished as well as I thought it might.

And the second because when we came over we stopped at the roadhouse to get some fuel and when I was paying for it, I could smell this home cooked (ok roadhouse cooked) curry. And the roadhouse is run by curry munches and let's be fairdinkum here they know there curry! So I thought on the way back I was going to feed on that smell, it turned out to be the butter chicken and fairdinkum it was mouth watering.

But I suppose after eating snags and bake beans last night anything would be great, but I'll give it the thumbs up.
So if you ever get lost and are driving through Kimba, do yourself a favour and give the butter chicken a go.... It's a bloody beauty....

Back at Kimba my oldest galah Jacko brought a small fluffy cookie Rio and sat it on the dash, and with yours truly sitting in the middle at the back I've pretty well spent the last 342kms in a staring competition with a stuffed toy!

Now why haven't I grabbed it and thrown it out the window I hear you ask, well because between you and me I know I can't fit between the two front seats to get my hands on the little bastard. But next fuel stop when I can get out of this tiny fucking back seat it will be moved, I reckon I'll spend the next 1945kms looking at it's fluffy ass!

As the sun was starting to set in the sky we pulled into the legendary Nullarbor Roadhouse for a quick beer and a fuel top-up.

The kiddies...

The Nullarbor roadhouse bar you could say it's not really happy hour, but I still got my hands on a ripper pint of lager, fairdinkum it disappeared faster than a snickers bar at a weight watchers meeting.

I always thought one day I'll get a photo with the sunny cowgirls

looks pretty cool for a mural hay with most of the legends of Aussie music...
Michael Hutchence, Christine Anu with the singing budgie Kylie Minogue, and Angry Anderson and Peter Garrett in the background. You also have Ian Moss, Shirley Straun with the Legend Sir Jimmy Barnes in the middle. Everybody knows the greatest lead guitarist in the world Angus Young, Molly Meldrum in the background and Chrissy Amphlett of the Divinyls fame and every bodies mum's favorite John Farnham.

Oscar reckons after he hits eighteen he's coming out to have a beer at the pub, and I told him don't forget to bring your old fella. That's the best thing having four boys in the family, I should be good for a beer every weekend out of at least one of them.

And off again down the road towards the border to WA...

And just like that we were going through the border gate and setting up tents in the parking bay, well when I say 'just like that' it was 184.3 km's down the road. That's like driving from London to Birmingham in the UK, without anything in between don't you just love Australia. During the night there's road trains passing quiet often, but as for yours truly once the head hits the pillows it's good night the fox....

Crikey WA has fallen down but we have made it and with the tents set up we walked back into South Australia for a chicken Parmie and chips, I think yours truly deserves it after driving over 1200kms during the day. fairdinkum that's like getting an early openers Pint of Guinness at The Lady Hamilton hotel in Portsmouth on the bottom coast of the UK, and then latter that night sitting down for a pint of Tennent's Lager at the Seaview Hotel in John o' Groats. So in one day we drove the distance of England... No wonder I feel like a beer.