A walk around Toronto

A walk around my old stomping ground where I grew up, crikey it looks like it killed Harry to get a photo with his brother. But the Lake looks a lot better and you couldn't of asked for a better day, But if harry did look a bit down it would of been because both he and Jack had just lost there most loved Grand mother. Yes it was a sad day but you must always look forward with just a little look back, as looking back can be so heart breaking.

When we were here last time we found a shop named after the young fella, but it was just getting built so he was a bit down about not getting a chance to have a feed.

But today we got the chance to wrap our laughing gear around a Harry's schnitzel, and no joke it was a bloody ripper.
Just have a gander at it and what about the view, sitting back eating the best tucker that I love while having a gander at the place I grew up in. This place has so many of my memories in it next to us was the old TAB that I would visit with mum, I can't remember how many times I walked through the Friths building. But yes we loved the feed and just loved the chance to sit and gander out onto the Boulevarde, we all gave it the thumbs up!